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Start With A Simple Novel Question In Your Research Area - Karthigeyan Dhanasekaran, RCB Faridabad

Embarking on an independent scientific journey as an academician heading an independent research group with teaching responsibilities comes with a set of unique challenges. Each person has a unique way of navigating this path. The background preparation and strategies one employs to get into an academia based position are also varied. As a part of SciSoup Blog Series, we have tried to collate a questionnaire that various young investigators and early career researchers have responded to and we hope that this brings in new perspectives, ideas and helps aspiring young researchers who are planning to take this path and embark on this exciting journey ahead.


In this mentoring Blog post, we are sharing with you the views and experiences of Dr. Karthigeyan Dhanasekaran (Assistant Professor) from Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB), Faridabad, Haryana. Karthigeyan completed his Ph.D. (Molecular Biology and Genetics) in 2013 from JNCASR, Bangalore and Post-doctoral Research at the Yale School of Medicine, USA, 2015.

1) How was the transition like from being a postdoctoral fellow to an independent investigator and leading a research group?

The major transition is in the shift of responsibility that is beyond the postdoctoral bench work. You need to think for the team prospects rather than just individual interests. Design proposals with realistic deadlines based on the strength of your team and the institutional capabilities.

2) What advice and tips you would provide to a person who is planning on transitioning to academia and is on the academic job market?

Start with a simple novel question in a relevant area that interests you and fall within the mandate of the applying institutions. Make sure the funding bodies understand the importance of your research.

3) What are some of the specific challenges you faced while setting up your own lab and starting a new research group?

Lag phase of setting up an empty space to turn them into a working space and getting students/researches on-board is at least a year long process that tends to frustrate fresh recruits like us. Pandemic regulations and frequent changes in the procurement policies are the major challenges that were tough to get through.

4) Which are some of the fellowships/grants that an early career researcher in India can apply for in order to kick start their career?

Ramanujan, Ramalingaswami, DBT early career, DST-Inspire

5) Your thoughts on teaching, mentorship and its role in shaping curious minds?

Teaching and mentorship are much like the sensory receptors for scientific knowledge that a PI gains over the course giving the exposure to cutting edge science news and providing the momentum to constantly pursue science without tiring.

6) If you were to share your life philosophy or “mantra” that you believe in the most that also helps you in 'sciencing', what would it be?

Passion and perseverance is the lamp and oil for my sciencing`.

Edited by - Ratneshwar Thakur (Science Communicator and Writer) and Dr. Rohan J. Khadilkar (INSA & Har Gobind Khorana - IYBA Awardee, Ramalingaswami Re-entry fellow), Tata Memorial Centre - ACTREC, Navi Mumbai, India.

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