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How To Tackle Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus?

The objective of this review is to highlight management strategies for efficiently tackling TYLCV epidemics and global spread.


The widespread occurrence of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) and the tremendous rate of spread to new regions affecting tomato production worldwide make it an important pathogen of substantial economic importance. Based on our decade long expertise in working with Begomoviruses, the current review published in the journal ‘Trends in Plant Science’ has been written to highlight the impact, challenges, and management strategies with respect to TYLCV.

The typical symptoms associated with TYLCV infection are stunting, upward curling of leaves, chlorosis, reduction in leaf size, and loss in tomato production. The growing trend for international trading and sharing agricultural resources has led to the spread of devastating plant viruses like TYLCV between countries.

Introduction to novel environments provided the virus an opportunity to adapt to new hosts and evolve new strains through recombination and mutation. TYLCV infection dramatically reduces productivity resulting in huge economic losses, and up to 100 percent yield loss has been observed in infected susceptible tomato cultivars. Besides its host, TYLCV is also reported to cause severe epidemics in Phaseolus vulgaris.

Realizing the economic importance of TYLCV and its devastating and widespread nature, efforts have been made in studying TYLCV pathogenesis as well as developing tolerant plants, using breeding and transgenic approaches. Several management strategies have been discussed in this paper, such as: Pathogen derived resistance, RNAi technology, CRISPR-Cas mediated gene editing, artificial miRNA-based gene silencing, antibody and peptide aptamer-based viral protein binding and marker-assisted selection for selection of resistant/tolerant genotypes.

The review will be helpful for researchers working in this area for the development of virus-resistant plants and develop efficient management strategies in field conditions.

Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus: Impact, Challenges, and Management

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Dr. Manoj Prasad
Senior Scientist, DBT-NIPGR, New Delhi
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